
Group work based on a text by
Bernard Kudlak

Music : composition, arrangement and direction
Robert Miny
The music played on crystal glasses is "Deuxième Gymnopédie"
from Erik Satie.

Direction, scenography and artistic direction
Bernard Kudlak

Conception of acts
Christophe Carrasco : hanging straps
Sylvaine Charrier : contorsion
Vincent Filliozat : tooth brushes
Jean-Marie Jacquet : conjuring
Bernard Kudlak : juggling and shadows
Jacques Marquès : pissettes
Brigitte Sepaser, Heather Joyce : tightrope
Osmar Pedro De Souza : bobbin
Rachel Ponsonby : orchestra-woman and her music

Creation of lighting
Serge Pauthier

Creation of sounds
Jean-François Monnier

Creation of costumes
Nadia Genez

Theatrically accouchement for "the showers"
Hervée de Lafond and Jacques Livchine (Théâtre de l’Unité)

Technical director
Jean-Marie Jacquet

Stage management, props and costumes
Nicolas Cautain, Dominique Maire, Christophe Guey, Régis Kouzmine,
Claude Acquart, Ennie Clennel, Manudecors, Jean Racamier, Jules Delière,
Ben Farey, Nadia Genez and Martine Roy

Christophe Carrasco : hanging straps, acrobatics.
Sylvaine Charrier : contorsion.
Michèle Faivre : vocals, trombone, saxhorns.
Jean-Marie Jacquet : conjuring, drums.
Bernard Kudlak : juggling balls and light, un petit coup de bugle !
Pierre Kudlak : resumed, soubassophone.
Alain Mallet : guitars, violin, bouzouki, oud.
Robert Miny : piano, accordeon.
Osmar Pedro De Souza : bobbin, acrobatics.
Rachel Ponsonby : orchestra-woman, saxophone, clarinet, flute, cello.
Brigitte Sepaser : tightrope, soprano saxophone, clarinet, flute.
Laurent Tellier : bass, double basse, big drum.
and a mistery guest.